Demande #5432
ferméDemande utilisateur: chiffrement des données stockées
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I just wanted to know one more thing about data protection : I noticed that disk encryption in privacy settings (Your files are not protected by encryption) wasn't enabled, is it important or not and if yes, can administrators have a physical or virtual access to datas stored on the cloud drives ? (even if this is covered by the privacy policy) Thank you in advance for your reply. Bests.
Mis à jour par Laurent POUJOULAT il y a plus de 3 ans
- Statut changé de Nouveau à En cours de traitement
Notre réponse:
The data encryption is not set for a very simple reason: as a cloud (even an ethical one as is Chapril) is only someone's else computer, we could as admin have an insight in any data encrypted by our server. So we decided to NOT set encryption to remind people that the only way to have a safe data encryption is to do it in your own computer before sending it to the cloud. We don't want people to have a false feeling of security. Best regards
Mis à jour par Laurent POUJOULAT il y a plus de 3 ans
- Statut changé de En cours de traitement à Résolu
Réponse utilisateur:
Good afternoon Laurent Poujoulat. Thank you for your time and your reply, this decision about not encrypting drives makes more sense to me now. Best regards, A daily Chapril user.
Mis à jour par Christian P. Momon il y a plus de 3 ans
- Version cible changé de Backlog à Sprint 2021 juin