


Anomalie #1255

Mis à jour par François Poulain il y a plus de 7 ans

h1. Hardware 


 * "IDRAC7 manuals ": 
 * Integrated Dell Remote Access Controller 7  	 Version 1.23.23 ( same version as 1.20.20 ) "guide": and "reference": 
 ** "IDRAC7 reference guide": 
 ** "IDRAC7 user guide": 


 h1. Preparation 


 * Get information about the serial ports on the machine 
 # apt-get install setserial 
 # setserial -g /dev/ttyS[01234] 
 /dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4 
 /dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3 
 /dev/ttyS2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4 
 /dev/ttyS3, UART: unknown, Port: 0x02e8, IRQ: 3 


 * Setup grub to use the serial line 
 cat > /etc/default/grub <<EOF 
 GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian` 
 GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=ttyS0,115200n8 console=tty1" 
 GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=115200 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1" 


 * iDrac control from the hardware on which it is installed 
 apt-get install ipmitool openipmi 
 modprobe ipmi_si 
 modprobe ipmi_devintf 
 echo ipmi_si >> /etc/modules 
 echo ipmi_devintf >> /etc/modules 
 ipmitool lan print 


 * Activate SOL via iDRAC web interface 
 * Activate IPMI via iDRAC web interface 
 * On the bare metal, uncomment / add the ttyS0 and ttyS1 and ttyS2 lines in /etc/inittab 
 T0:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS0 115200 vt102 
 and reload 
 telinit q 


 Ask the kernel to use ttyS0 as a console: 
 diff --git a/default/grub b/default/grub 
 index b3a3467..e5c16f6 100644 
 --- a/default/grub 
 +++ b/default/grub 
 @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ GRUB_DEFAULT=0 
  GRUB_DISTRIBUTOR=`lsb_release -i -s 2> /dev/null || echo Debian` 
 +GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=ttyS0,115200n8r console=tty1" 
  # Uncomment to enable BadRAM filtering, modify to suit your needs 
  # This works with Linux (no patch required) and with any kernel that obtains 


 Add the following options to grub 
 serial --unit=0 --speed=115200  
 terminal --timeout=10 serial 


 h1. Serial On Lan 


 # ipmitool -H -I lanplus -U root -P XXX sol activate 
 [SOL Session operational.    Use ~? for help] 


 Debian GNU/Linux 7.0 ttyS0 


 bm0103 login:  


 h1. Web interface 


 # # IP de IDRAC 


 user root and password XXX 


 ( how to set the initial password ? ) 


 h1. ssh 


 ssh root@ # password XXX 


 Note: la commande help ne montre pas toutes les commandes disponibles ( par exemple cela ne montre pas racadm, voir ci dessous ) 


 h2. RACADM 


 En suivant les instructions au début de "IDRAC7 reference guide": 


 "_SSH or Telnet — Also referred as Firmware RACADM. Firmware RACADM is accessible by logging in to iDRAC7 
  using SSH or Telnet. You do not have to specify the iDRAC7 IP, user name, or password to run Firmware 
 RACADM commands. Similar to Local RACADM, after you enter the RACADM prompt, directly run the 
 commands without the RACADM prefix._" 


 root@bm0102:~# ssh # IP de IDRAC 
 password: # mot de passe de l'utilisateur admin, celui qui permet de se logger sur l'interface web 
