Demande #5562
- Lié à Demande #3799: Migrer le parc des machines et VM vers Debian Buster ajouté
Quelques points relevés dans le fichier de release :
5.1.3. Changed security archive layout
For bullseye, the security suite is now named bullseye-security instead of codename/updates
and users should adapt their APT source-list files accordingly when upgrading.
The security line in your APT configuration may look like:
deb bullseye-security main contrib
If your APT configuration also involves pinning or APT::Default-Release, it is likely to require
adjustments as the codename of the security archive no longer matches that of the regular archive.
An example of a working APT::Default-Release line for bullseye looks like:
APT::Default-Release "/^bullseye(|-security|-updates)$/";
which takes advantage of the undocumented feature of APT that it supports regular expressions (inside /).
5.1.23. No new SSH connections possible during upgrade
Although existing Secure Shell (SSH) connections should continue to work through the upgrade as usual,
due to unfortunate circumstances the period when new SSH connections cannot be established is longer than usual.
If the upgrade is being carried out over an SSH connection which might be interrupted, it's recommended
to upgrade openssh-server before upgrading the full system.
Le temps de la migration, passage du protocol drbd en mode « A » :
Pour synchroniser la nouvelle conf :
# drbdadm --dry-run adjust virola
drbdsetup-84 net-options ipv4: ipv4: --set-defaults --max-epoch-size=8000 --max-buffers=8000 --cram-hmac-alg=sha1 --rr-conflict=disconnect --after-sb-2pri=disconnect --after-sb-1pri=consensus --after-sb-0pri=discard-younger-primary --protocol=A --shared-secret=wei8Aigithei3VeiNgaixing4siedeiz2Chohso1ieguemaiheeng9hik0ie
# drbdadm adjust virola
# drbdadm adjust calamus
On voit le « A » avant le r-----
# cat /proc/drbd
version: 8.4.10 (api:1/proto:86-101)
srcversion: 473968AD625BA317874A57E
0: cs:Connected ro:Secondary/Primary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate A r-----
ns:0 nr:1920182780 dw:1920182760 dr:0 al:0 bm:0 lo:2 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:0
1: cs:Connected ro:Primary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate A r-----
ns:656795692 nr:0 dw:656794916 dr:1707361681 al:751973 bm:0 lo:1 pe:0 ua:0 ap:1 ep:1 wo:f oos:0
Formats disponibles : Atom